BORN: 1951

View William’s artwork here

Born near Ernabella in South Australia, in 1951, William Sandy lived in Areyonga and Haasts Bluff. Since 1973, William has lived with his family in Papunya, where he commenced painting in 1975.

From the early 1980s, he began painting for the Papunya Tula artists after observing the skills of the older original artists.
Some of his subjects are Dingo – (William’s personal totem animal), Snake, Water, Emu, Women and Green Bean (puya) and his latest, ‘Waru’ the Black Footed Rock Wallaby.

From the time William arrived at Papunya he has worked for the Papunya Council and as a health worker for the Papunya Medical Service. William has recently ceased other employment to concentrate full-time on his painting.

William Sandy is also a very knowledgeable, traditional medicine man.
He is married to Violet Nakamarra, (deceased 2009) whom he had 4 children to. Violet was the sister of Internationally acclaimed artist Michael Nelson Jakamarra.

William was the first of the Pitjantjatjara involved in the contemporary art movement.


Winner 1985, Northern Territory Art Award.


1990, Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi


1982, Georges Exhibition, Melbourne
1983, Mori Gallery, Sydney, NSW.  1993, Roar Studios, Melbourne, VIC.
1988, Papunya Tula Paintings, Wagga Wagga City Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, NSW.
1989, Papunya Tula: Contemporary Paintings from Australia’s  Western Desert, John Weber Gallery, New York, USA.
1990, Paintings from the Desert, Contemporary Aboriginal  Paintings, Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts, Hobart, Tasmania
1991, Australian Aboriginal Art from the Collection of Donald Kahn, Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, USA
1991, The Painted Dream: Contemporary Aboriginal Paintings  from the Tim and Vivien Johnson Collection, Auckland City Art Gallery and Te Whare Taonga Aoteroa National Art Gallery, N. Z.

1993, Aboriginal Art Exhibition, Kung Gubunga, Oasis Gallery, Broadbeach, Qld
1994, Dreamings – Tjukurrpa: Aboriginal Art of the Western Desert; The Donald Kahn collection, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich
1997 – L’Art des Aborig’nes d’Australie, Arts d’Australie o St’phane Jacob / Galerie de Stassart, Bruxelles; L’Art des Aborig’nes d’Australie, Arts d’Australie o St’phane Jacob / Festival du Film, Cannes; L’Art des Aborig’nes d’Australie, Arts d’Australie o St’phane Jacob / Espace Paul Riquet, B’ziers.
2000 – Arts d’Australie, Arts d’Australie o St’phane Jacob / Salon Pharmagora, Paris.


Broken Hill City Art Gallery.
Donald Kahn collection,
Lowe Art Museum,
University of Miami.
Flinders University Art Museum, Adelaide.

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin.
The Holmes a Court Collection, Perth.
The Kelton Foundation, Santa Monica, U.S.A.
Wollongong City Art Gallery.

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