BORN: 1951
REGION: Boundary Bore, Utopia, Central Australia

View Jeannie’s artwork here

Jeannie Petyarre (Pitjara) is one of Central Art’s most popular artists. Born in approximately 1951 at Boundary Bore, a small Aboriginal outstation in the Utopia region of Central Australia, Jeannie comes from a very popular and famous Aboriginal artist family. She is the niece of the late great Emily Kame Kngwarreye (who sadly passed away in 1996). Her sister is Rosemary Petyarre and her half siblings are Evelyn Pultara (2005 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award winner) and Greeny Purvis Petyarre (who sadly passed away in 2010). It is only fair to say that Jeannie has not only the talented family around her to support her artistic development but she originates from a beautiful country to draw so much inspiration from for her artworks.

Like many of the women from Utopia, Jeannie was introduced to modern art mediums through her involvement in the community projects that occurred in Utopia in the late 1970’s and 1980’s. The first of these, shot Utopia into the art world through their “Utopia: A Picture Story” project which introduced the women of Utopia to silk batiks. The project was such a success that the whole collection of 88 silk batiks was acquired by the well known Robert Holmes a Court Collection and went on a touring exhibition around Australia and overseas. Jeannie’s batik depicted Alhalkere country (her homelands) where goanna, dingo, and bush turkey can be found.

In 1989 she also participated in the “A Summer Project”, another community project which introduced the women to canvas and acrylic paints. Similarly, to the first project this was a huge success and the women of Utopia flourished with this medium. Jeannie was encouraged by her aunt, Emily Kame Kngwarreye, to continue to paint her family’s “Yam Dreaming”, this particular Dreaming is a strong one for the women of Utopia and was passed down to Jeannie from her father’s side. Jeannie depicts various stages of the plants growth and parts including the seed, leaf and flower. The Yam plant is used by Aboriginal people for its medicinal properties which can be used to treat various ailments including sores and bites.


  • The National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
  • The Holmes a Court Collection, Perth, W.A works on canvas, A Summer Project
  • 1990, A Picture Story, exhibition of 88 works  on silk from the Holmes a Court Collection by Utopian artists, which toured Eire and   Scotland
  • 1993, Central Australian Aboriginal Art &  Craft Exhibition, Araluen Centre,  Alice Springs, Northern Territory.
  • 2005, Cicada Trading, Illayda, Istanbul Turkey.
  • 2005, Cicada Trading, Milan, Italy
  • 2006, Cicada Trading, Dubai, United Arab   Emirates.
  • 2006, Cicada Trading, Paris, France.
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