BORN: 1941
REGION: Mosquito Bore, Utopia, Northern Territory

View Cowboy’s artwork here

Cowboy Louie Pwerle was born in 1941 on Old MacDonald Station.
He is the younger brother of Louie Pwerle (deceased) who was an important Utopian artist and is an Eastern Anmatyerr speaker.

His traditional country lies on the Western side of the Sandover River on Utopia Station and stretches West on to Mt Skinner. Cowboy lives at Mosquito Bore with his two wives, both of whom are the sisters Carol and Elizabeth Kngwarreye.

Cowboy Louie depicts his Turkey Dreaming over various Traditional Sites on Utopia. He also paints Emu (Ankerr) Tucker Dreaming and Lizard/Goanna (Arlewatyerr) Dreaming.

Cowboy’s name is attributed to his reputation as a stockman and his love of cowboy attire. His use of detailed micro dots is a trademark, and exquisite to the eye.

He is now passing on his stories to his grandson, as his father did him. Cowboy lives at Mosquito Bore Utopia, with his two wives, both of whom are the sisters Carol and Elizabeth Kngwarreye.


  • 1991   Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi, Melbourne
  • 1993   Aptos Cruz Galleries, Adelaide and Hogarth Galleries, Sydney
  • 1997   William Mora Galleries
  • 2007 – Patterns of Power, Art from the Eastern Desert, Simmer on the Bay, Sydney
  • 2007 – Eastern Desert Dreaming, Artists from Utopia, GalleryG, Brisbane
  • 2008 – Power of Place, Paintings and Sculpture from the Eastern Desert, Tandanya Aboriginal Cultural Institute Inc, Adelaide
  • 2010: The Utopia Story, Australasian Arts Projects, Singapore
  • 2010: Aboriginal Artists UK Spring Show 11-13 June, London


  • National Gallery of Victoria
  • Museum of Victoria, Melbourne
  • Holt Collection
  • Stichting Sint-Jan, Brugge, Netherlands
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